Cursorial Mac OS

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A cursorial organism is one that is adapted specifically to run. An animal can be considered cursorial if it has the ability to run fast (e.g. Cheetah) or if it can keep a constant speed for a long distance (high endurance). Runner (รัน'เนอะ) n.

Coexistence in a Guild of Wandering Spiders
Vol. 46, No. 2 (Jun., 1977), pp. 531-541 (11 pages)
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Spatial and seasonal distribution of foraging activity in wandering spiders was studied by pitfall trapping in an oak/tulip-tree/maple forest in the eastern U.P. Patterns of foraging activity in time and space and differences in body size among congeners and spiders of similar size were analysed. (1) Comparison of body sizes revealed a 1.2-1.4 ratio among smaller species (<6 mm) and a 1.02-1.05 ratio among larger species. Coexistence of smaller species is likely to be facilitated by prey size specialization, reflected in these body size differences. (2) In larger species, temporal segregation of foraging and breeding activity occurs among congeners, with the larger species breeding first. Segregation of activity in this manner may result in maintenance of a constant size difference between species throughout development, or permit species to exploit different prey resources. (3) Segregation of occurrence over a gradient of litter habitats was also observed in congeneric pairs and pairs of similarly sized species. Larger species in each congeneric pair were found to be more generalized in habitat, indicated by greater values for Levins' B, a niche breadth index. (4) Niche overlap (proportional similarity) analysis of these same showed two types of overlap: (i) equal overlap in both dimensions; or (ii) unequal overlap, with overlap greater in one dimension than the other. Temporal (seasonal) specialization appears to be the more common means of reducing niche overlap for this guild of spiders. Overall overlap (habitat X time) was significantly lower for pairs of potentially competing species (congeners and species of similar size).

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Journal Information

Founded in 1932, Journal of Animal Ecology publishes original research papers on all aspects of animal ecology; specifically those that make substantial contributions to our understanding of animal ecology as well as offering insights into issues of general interest to ecologists. Zombie slot machine. This includes reviews that shed light on subjects central to animal ecology, including theoretical analyses of specific topics. The Journal publishes standard papers, essay reviews, forum pieces and In Focus articles (by invitation). The journal is published six times a year. Further details are available at JSTOR provides a digital archive of the print version of The Journal of Animal Ecology. The electronic version of The Journal of Animal Ecology is available at Authorised users may be able to access the full text articles at this site.

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The British Ecological Society is a welcoming and inclusive home for everyone interested in ecology. The Society was established in 1913 and has over 6,000 members worldwide, bringing people together across regional, national and global scales to advance ecological science. Vampires ball mac os. The BES's many activities include the publication of a range of scientific literature, including seven internationally renowned journals, the organisation and sponsorship of a wide variety of meetings, the funding of numerous grant schemes, education work and policy work.

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Journal of Animal Ecology © 1977 British Ecological Society
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